Friday 1 April 2011

Submission Sheet to be completed by DEADLINE 4pm Thursday 7th April

Year 13 – coursework submission checklist

Showcase Video with audio! Magic Show

Magic Show - Yr13 Music Video first cut from Julie Thrasher on Vimeo.

Copies of your Showcase Music Videos

to put on your blogs!

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Exporting your video for the showcase

Firstly, make sure that your actual timeline has ONLY the footage on you want to export (so if you have spare odds floating around in the distance on your timeline, it will include these in your video which you DON'T want!).

Next you need to follow the instructions below carefully - we don't need enormous files and the computers won't like them if they're too big so here you are....

Monday 21 March 2011

Welcome to the Showcase!

You will soon be engaged in testing your work in front of an audience and you need to prepare for this. You need to think about what sort of questions you want to ask the test audience and post three possible questions on your INDIVIDUAL blog.

Of course, your film should also be ready in an exported quicktime movie format and placed in the drop box on resources which will appear TWO days before the showcase itself. the SHOWCASE dates are on the dates shown below.

13Q1 - Wednesday 30th March p5
13Q2 - Wednesday 30th March p5

13T1 - Wednesday 30th March p3

This date constitutes the FINAL DEADLINE FOR YOUR FILM ELEMENT. You will be able to make adjustments in response to the audience feedback you receive but you will primarily be undertaking the intensive process of recording your evaluations so you must not rely on this time to make any major adjustments to your work - there is time for snagging only.
 Snagging: to check for little jobs, corrections and issues that need to be seen to in order to consider a piece of work completed.
so for you that means:
  • checking all your edits are tight
  • checking your work and colour correcting where needed
  • ensuring sound is cohesive and there's no extra snippets lurking far beyond the realms of your current timeline
  • looking for MES issues
  • getting your artwork/website finished
  • checking for places where your lipsync is out of sync
  • getting your group and individual blogs up to date
  • and other issues that need detailed and careful attention

We don't just rush off at the end of the filming and editing - all parts of the process are important and reflection and evaluation are crucial in media studies practice.

You will need to prepare for evaluating your coursework and you will be asked to prepare notes for this purpose. You will, of course, be given guidance and notes to help you. Your filmed/multimodal evaluation must be complete, along with your finished AND EXPORTED music video plus groups and individual blogs by the end of this term - i.e. EASTER HOLIDAYS - no exceptions.

Friday 18 March 2011

Music Industry Latest....

To be up to date on the music industry in relation to your coursework and exam coursework related questions, keep up to date by watching this site - you can register, link, twitter etc