Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Blogging your work so far!

1. So by now you should have begun to post quite a lot of the work you have been doing. Certainly you should have a link on the class blog to your individual blog - check on the left under your group name. If you're not on there - tell Mrs T

2. Your previous work should be up so when you researched your chosen artist on how they used the internet - that should be on your blog - see the post 4/10 what makes an effective blog for details.

3. You should have/will have this week your presentation that you did on how to market your fake band linked to your blog - you can go to the slideshare account (there's a post on the music video blog giving the username and password AND on there's a post on the main blog) and upload your presentation and then you embed it into your blog using the normal post function, only switch to 'html' which is next to 'compose', and then paste in the code.  We will have a 'how to embed' mini tutorial before half term.

4. Your work on analysing or comparing music videos should also be posted on your blog.

5. In addition, all the music videos you have been watching and sharing with each other during lessons should be linked to your individual blogs with a few words from you about why you like it, what inspires you, if there's anything you want to include in your own work etc etc underneath.

Basically, if you've done it this half term, you should make sure it's on your blog.

FINALLY - you must LABEL your posts - make sure we tell you how to do this before half term!!

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