Monday, 22 November 2010

After/During Lipsync - what to Blog

What you need to do during or after your lipsync edit and BEFORE you move on, is to blog the following:
  1. How did you feel about the editing programme and learning to use it?
  2. What did you learn about making music videos from this exercise and...
  3. How will what you have learnt affect how you approach you proper production?

On your group blog you should put your answers BUT obviously there will be your personal responses as well as your group response so make sure you write something on BOTH BLOGS.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Star Image Collage

This week, your assignment is to generate a collage of a star's image.
Use both pictures and text to create a very interesting and informative collage.
You can use cut/paste or the computer (photoshop) as tools to help you with this task.
Do not forget what we discussed about star image in lessons. Make reference to various ideas/theories.
This assignment should be posted on your blog by next lesson. If you have done it on paper, you can scan and post it up.

Star Image

Thursday, 11 November 2010

IMPORTANT - What you MUST do by the end of this week (12/11)

1. You must have come up with an idea for your production company name and set up a blog in its name - the blog must have a separate email and log in that EVERYONE in your group knows - and tell ME so I can link it to the blog!

2. You must START the Lipsync activity - choose a song you know ALL the words to - make sure you use the same music file to sing to as you can use to import into the editing programme (If they're not the same by even a fraction, you'll never get your sync right!!)

3. You MUST be presenting your TREATMENT to me - this is a brief outline of how your music video will look - it should be a few paragraphs. You CANNOT go ahead without this approval. There are exemplar treatments in your teaching pack.

As a reminder, you are supposed to be filming and have edited a basic rough cut by Christmas - that is THREE school weeks away, only 12 lessons - in other words, you must

Monday, 8 November 2010

Things that should be on the blog...

Check out the CHECKPOINT posts - see the labels!!

1. Response to 'Changes in the Music Industry' video
2. Your chosen artist -how they use the internet to market themselves
3. Fake Band Marketing work
4. Your work from Mr Maddison or Ms Kassam on analysis of music videos and comparisons
5. Some of your own music videos you like and why with some SHORT analyses
6. Some work on your group discussions so far - name of production company and first ideas
7. Album Art - some discussion of album covers at least 3, showing conventions

This week you need to:

1. Plan and execute your lipsync exercise - notes on how to shoot it have been given, cameras are ready. Do it as it says on the sheet as you will need this footage to learn editing
2. Get your blog up to date
3. Set up your group blog and give address to me
4. CHOOSE YOUR REAL TRACK and submit a brief treatment of your ideas to miss before continuing onto starting your storyboards

GOOD LUCK and Have Fun!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Name your Production Company

You need to name your group with a Production company name and then I suggest you use this as your group blog. Create a google email so you can access blogger and use a password YOU ALL KNOW!

You will be assessed on your group AND individual blog. As soon as you have a group blog, let Mrs T know then she will link you to the main practical blog.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

A good way to avoid poor song choices and making crap decisions...

is to watch lots of other STUDENT music videos - you'll get an idea of what you can achieve and what works and doesn't work with the kind of resources you will have.

I promise you this is worth doing.

Try the following youtube channels - they're schools with lots of students and a good reputation but bear in mind their students will have a range of ability just like you do so they're not all amazing/there's no excuse!

1. Longroadmedia
2. Latymermedia
3. Hurtwood House Media

Enjoy. Get as many ideas as you can :-)


We will be doing the lipsync exercise which leads directly into your learning the editing programme (Final Cut Express).

You need to work in a small group - we will have 6 editing stations per class so the group size will be your class divided by 6 - you want as small a group as possible for this so you can get as much time on the editing as possible.

With your track choices for your real production you need to be coming up with your ideas and pitching them to me (mrs t) so I can approve them (it's about making sure you can get the best possible marks with your choices and plans rather than stopping you doing what you want!).

The stuff you need to plan is in your packs, purple worksheets booklet and on the blog here - see 'Completion Guide for Students' so it's in YOUR HANDS NOW!

You MUST be thinking and planning as groups - blogging research can be done in your own time, groups meetings, talking ideas through with me, shot planning as a group etc can't be done anytime!